Open Arms Community Health & Service Center

Open Arms Community Health & Service Center is committed to delivering high-quality healthcare, comprehensive mental health support, compassionate counseling, and essential housing and supportive services.

Comprehensive Health and Housing Solutions

Our Health Care Services Include:

Our Community Support Services:

Why Choose Open Arms?

Quality Healthcare

Supportive Environment

Specialized Community Care

Comprehensive Mental Health Treatment

9 Years of Community Care Experience


Founder & CEO

“We thrive to be a beacon of light for those in need of help, and to give hope to those that have lost it”.

Our Testimonials

What Clients Say?

Re-Entry Program

“I was released from the Men’s County Jail with nowhere to live and no stable income. I was connected to one of OACH&RC’s care coordinators who was able to get me connected to transitional housing where I was provide a safe place to stay. I was provided with clothing, furniture, and 3 meals per day. I was assisted with getting my social security benefits restarted and they helped me find a 1 bedroom that I could afford. I am so glad that I was referred to OACH&RC by LACADA. Still today OACH&RC continues to be a place where I go to receive services.” 


” I was going through an extremely tough time last year, and stress was eating me up completely. My mental health was only getting worse with each day. Open Arms Community Health & Service Center helped me move towards a path of positive thinking and courage.